Definition, Explanation of Insurance, and Insurance Company in the world

Finance And Field Of Insurance

Nature of insurance business requires a large money infestations. Sources of funds – funds of insurance companies to pay for the losses of the loss was from the capital has been paid up, surplus and premiums have been paid in advance for services – services that implemented. Good business management wants funds – these funds on invested wisely. People-people who are experts in the analysis of infestations is essential for operation insurance companies. Insurance is a very important financial institutions and thus has great influence on the economy.

Government Oversight
The insurance business was held to "safeguard the interests of the community", and therefore more in watch this Government than ordinary companies. Almost all aspects of the business set, including organization and liquidation. The Government set standards – standards for conditions – condition the policy, tariffs, cost restrictions, assessment active and passive infestations of funds – funds, and terms – these terms for sales representative (sales representatives). In certain insurance regulations more complete than in other insurance.


Regarding the insurance field in Indonesia, the book of law – law of Commerce, article 247 reads as follows:
Coverage were among others can be of fire hazard, the danger which threatens the results – the results of the farm that has not harvested the soul of one or several people, of the dangers of the sea and slavery, the danger which threatens transport on land, in rivers, and in the waters of the land.
Insurance can be divided into several branches that stand alone. The most common of these is as between private insurance and government insurance. Two broad classifications could then be in for – for more.

Private Insurance
Traditionally, private insurers are divided into three groups, namely: life insurance, fire insurance and the sea, and accident insurance and guarantees (surety & casualty). In general one insurance company just obtained a business license for a class of insurance only. So the insurance company should not initiate the insurance of property. Fire insurance and the sea must not be engaged in the insurance field including accident insurance and assurances should not be entered into the business which belong to the field of insurance to the burnt offering and the sea.
The field of life insurance include, among others, life insurance, health insurance, annuitet. The field of marine and fire insurance covers among other things: fire insurance (including storms, explosions, rah-rah and the ruckus society, damage by flying boats or vehicles); vandalism and crime; water damage; sprinkler pipe leaks; the earthquake; marine insurance (charges, rent boats and ship agency); and physical damage airplanes and cars. The field of accident insurance and guarantees, among others, is public liability insurance, workers compensation, liability, theft car, fidelity, insurance, warranties, credit insurance, insurance, insurance of property and livestock.

Life Insurance
Life insurance consists of three types of insurance i.e. life insurance, health insurance and annuitet. Life insurance provides a cash at the time of death of the insured for the cost of burial and to continue an income for the heir. annuitet is the opposite of life insurance in the event of a his melted
of wealth according to an arrangement where the annuitant (annuitet holders) is guaranteed to earn as long as he is alive. Health insurance provides money to payer – the treatment and hospital expenses incurred due to accidents or illness and protect the insured against losses due to living with disabilities.

Insurance Of Property
Indeed all insurance can be said to be insurance treasures. In buying insurance, the buyer protects itself against loss of property which has been gathered (capital) or loss of property that may occur in the future (income). Technically, however, for the purpose of grouping, when losses arising due to reasons which are not the soul, disability, or death, must be insured in the insurance company property
Property insurance can be divided into four kinds: damage or loss insurance, liability insurance, health insurance, and insurance guarantees.
Insurance for damage or loss of the goods is intended to protect the insured against loss and damage to his or herself. An example is fires, storms, theft and insurance.
Liability insurance or liability meant to protect the insured against third-party claims or receivables against it because the wound body or damage to property that occurred because of negligence or because of the application of the law or the contract. An example of this type of closure is car liability insurance, workers compensation.  
Contractual Responsibility.
Health insurance is meant to protect the insured against the burden of cost – the cost of treatment and hospital care and loss of income due to accident or illness. accidents, illness and pain is an example home opname – an example of this type of insurance.
Insurance guarantee (suretyship) tool is a party with an offer to the other party a top finance guarantee their honesty or his achievements under a contract or agreement. An example of this type of insurance is insurance of construction and insurance, fidelity bond guarantee (fidelity, construction, and bail bonds).
Government insurance
Government insurance consists of insurance willing and compulsory insurance
Voluntary insurance include, among others, crop insurance, insurance of deposits, insurance, savings and loans, mortgages and insurance as well as insurance of loans for the improvement of property remains.
Compulsory insurance is insurance that requires communities to enter and usually called social insurance or social insurance welfare. This insurance provides dependent on participants who died and at the participant's own due to disability or retirement. There is also the workers compensation insurance required for employers – employers. This includes the social insurance unemployment insurance.
Social insurance in Indonesia were held based on Government Regulation No. 33 in 1977 and law – law on accident in 1947. Its implementation is public enterprise Astek (public enterprise social insurance labor) and public enterprise Taspen (public savings insurance company civil servants).
With the law – Law No. 33/1964 the Government of Indonesia to hold a compulsory accident insurance protection fund. Legislation – this law obliges every public motor vehicle passenger routes out of town pay dues every time travel. Act – this Act is exercised by Government Regulation No. 17/1965. Subsequently issued also a law – Law No. 34/1964 concerning traffic accidents Fund conducted with PP No. 18/1965. The second act – this government laws and regulations implemented by the Jasa Raharja.

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