Definition, Explanation of Insurance, and Insurance Company in the world



Insurance contracts are often called Polis. Article 255 of the book law of Commerce stated that each insured must be made in writing in an act called a polis. Next article 256 argued: every policy, except those concerning the coverage of the soul must state:
1. The day of closure of the account.
2. The name of the person who closed the account by yourself or dependents over the top of the third person dependent.
3. A pretty clear description about the stuff on the cover.
4. The amount of money held for how assured.
5. The dangers incurred by the insurer.
6. The moment at which the danger began to apply for dependents the insurer and at the end of.
7. the coverage, and Premiums
8. In general all circumstances that may important for the insurer for he knew, and all terms are exchanged between the parties. The policy must be signed by each insurer.
The term polis and contracts are often interchangeable use in this chapter.
The basic instruments used in the transaction of insurance are: 1) the application and 2) binders.
The application is a request to the company to submit a bid for the insurance company insurance. It contains detailed information on exposure that will be insured. The information contained in this application is mainly used for the purpose of bearing and identification.
In the policy can also be a declaration. The Declaration is a statement regarding the insured risk. This is usually the basis for the determination of the price of the insurance premiums it. This declaration is in some kind of insurance entered into an application that is attached to the policy.
The information in this declaration given by the parties to the paid or REALTOR. This Declaration contains the name of the bear, the location of exposure, type of company, and other relevant facts.
Binder is a temporary contract before spending policy. Binders can be written or oral. Bad oral contract is difficult to prove. However, the binder is often precedes the verbal affirmation in writing.
Many definitions regarding insurance. One of the popular insurance is a substitution for a small fee with a big loss which is not certain.
From the view of the law, a contract by which one party by receiving something of value that is known as a premium, to bear the risk of loss or liability against the other party, in accordance with a plan (plan) for the distribution of such risk, the insurance contract is whatever its shape or name that he was wearing.
Many contracts that superficial looks like insurance contracts, but if this turns out to be scrutinized by definition are not eligible.

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