Definition, Explanation of Insurance, and Insurance Company in the world



The word "insurance" is sometimes used by people for funds in the spool to overcome losses – losses that are not necessarily. For example, a store that sells seasonal merchandise selling price increases at the beginning of the season to gather funds to cover possible losses on the end time should be taken down to spend the price of goods. Methods of overcoming the risk like this is not insurance. Insurance requires more than just gather funds to cope with the losses – losses is uncertain.
Sometimes the transfer of risk is called insurance. A shop that sells television promising aircraft servicing for a year free of charge and will be replacing the picture tube when not matched. The seller may refer to this agreement as this is indeed the transfer of insurance risk but not insurance.
The definition of insurance
The insurance shall cover both the gathering together the funds or the transfer of risk, but not necessarily both. In addition, it must include the incorporation of a large number of units – the unit of 30 separate and stand alone that the same common risk into an interconnected group.
Insurance itself can be defined as a social tool to reduce risk by combining units – the unit amount is enough for 30 minutes to make their individual losses – losses together can be foreseen. Losses which can be foreseen is then divided equally between all those who join. This definition means that the uncertainty is reduced and losses also divided equally. This is the most important pollen core of insurance.
From the point of view of the person who is covered, the insurance is a tool that allows its swap (substitute) for a small fee (premium) and that is not necessarily a big loss (up to a certain amount of insurance) under an agreement in which they (the many) a lucky escape from a loss will help them (the slightest) who had no luck with indemnify they suffered it.
Indemnity (Indemnity)
The purpose of the contract of insurance is to provide indemnity. Webster formulate Indemnity as compensation or remuneration for losses or injuries suffered. "therefore, the insurance policy does not provide payment if no losses suffered, and payment for something limited losses up to the amount of that loss. For example, if someone buys fire insurance Rp 75,000,000 for his valuable Rp 50,000,000 and then sell the House within the validity period, then the insurance policy he would not accept anything from insurance companies, if the House was on fire, because he did not suffer a loss of anything. If the House was destroyed on fire before he sold it, he would only receive Rp 50,000,000 because that's the amount of the loss.
Indemnity (indemnity) is the only legitimate use for insurance, because otherwise the transaction will be gambling and means contradict with the policy and the State.
Insurance is clearly different from gambling. Gambling poses risks, insurers reduce or negate the risk. For example, before betting begins in a race there is no possibility of loss, risk of lost or the new loss after betting. But the risk of loss of property which exists against the possibility of a fire are reduced or abolished by insurance. So gambling and insurance it is fighting.

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