Definition, Explanation of Insurance, and Insurance Company in the world


Deviation from Expectations
A risk is the possibility of irregularities does not expect. That possibility is in the form of occurrence of things that are not in want or no occurrence of the things in the wish. Such events usually called loss or Loss in this book Loss means loss of or decrease in value. Here contained the sense that the loss must be measured in a money e.g. rupiah. It is probably derived from the practice of insurers paying damages upon the occurrence of certain events. In general liability insurance company expressed in a monetary and the insured considered to have suffered a loss equal to or greater than the amount of money that will be received from the insurance company that the insurance agreement. Not all losses can be measured in a money. The death of the family pet a cat may be handed a big loss of a family member, but this loss cannot be measured by the value of money.
What we expect of it usually is positive. For example, we expect our cars remain in the parking lot after we came out of the cinema, we do not expect our car was stolen. We expect still alive this year, we did not expect to die young. We expect our homes remain upright stand in good condition upon his return from work, we do not expect he damaged or burned.
When we realize our hope it is something that is not absolute (we expect and not know) means we are aware that there is a possibility of real events that are different than we expect. Such a possibility is important because it may give rise to Loss (Loss). Due to the losses it's just something the possibilities and we are not bound to happen or not, then the risk of that is the source of doubt. Doubt is a State of mind that is bad for people in General. The relationship between risks with a doubt (the uncertainty).
The relationship between the risk with these doubts need to explain because there are writers who defined the risk that doubt, while there is also a risk that as doubt will harm. The author's opinion, the risk of conforming that is the State of the world, while doubt is a State of mind. So the risk is there, whether we realize it or not, while the doubts that arise only when we notice it. The risk of cancer by smoking has been around since people started smoking. However, doubts (uncertainty) against this new possibilities arise after people find out the relationship between the smoking with cancer.
Equate risk with doubt means equating the cause with the effect. The risk is the State of the world which may cause doubts. Someone who is not at all aware of a risk, not at all in doubt. That ignorance is the basis of his conviction. However, whether he knows it or not open to risk it. If you don't know, then we can't do anything against the risks that surround us. The presence and magnitude of risk that gives rise to a feeling of uncertainty or doubt. The risk is the cause of doubt.
Reaction To Doubt
In General, people do not like doubt or uncertainty because it gives rise to feelings of insecurity and the feeling of worry. When this feeling is big enough, then they will devote its attention on that issue. For example, people who doubt the ability of his earnings to finance the needs of life in the future, it might start to make savings program. Doubt it will be a future investments may lead to people choosing liquidity in savings.

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