Definition, Explanation of Insurance, and Insurance Company in the world


Standard fire insurance policies New York 1943, requires that parties provide a complete inventory of borne about treasures of destroyed, damaged, and not damaged by pointing in detail the amount, price, actual cash value, and the amount of the losses claimed.
It is not always possible for the parties to the paid to qualify, especially when most of the evidence that is required to complete its inventory had been damaged. In the event of a total loss (total loss), then the inventory is not required. An inventory of items that are not damaged, usually only required if the policy contains a coinsurance clause. This is to allow the adjuster (insurance loss assessment officer) determines the magnitude of the part which becomes a dependent insurance companies.
There is no article in the inventory policy, should be borne by the party that maintains a complete inventory of assets. Some insurance agents provide the form for the homeowner to make the recording of a permanent inventory. Parties which had borne an adequate inventory recording will strongly position dealing with the adjuster (insurance officials determine the magnitude of the losses). Recording (records) it should be stored in a fireproof place.
Article about the evidence is intended to help insurance companies determine whether or not a claim is healthy. Standard fire insurance contracts New York 1943 contains the following chapter:
Incurred should demonstrate to the insurance officer each time he asks, that's worth all the rest of the property described here, and submit it for examination under oath by anyone appointed by the company, and sign it; and provide all bookkeeping, accounts, invoicing-invoices and other vouchers, or photocopy is valid if the original text is missing, for examination as often as feasible were asked by him, at the proper time and place as determined by the company representatives, and will permit the making of a copy or a summary of it.
The Parties covered this article should meet only if required by insurance companies. The party that incurred must be receive notice regarding the examination of a vast, by indicating the time, place, and the names of the reviewers. If in examination, the parties bear the false answers to the questions are important and there is a fraud, and the insurance company may not carry out that policy. If the party that incurred required to provide bookkeeping, accounts, and so on, but the books or accounts that did not exist, then the party which is borne by exploited, because he will not be expected to qualify which is not possible. However, if the parties to the paid to deliberately destroy the books, then that contract may not apply. The insurer is expected and required of wisdom there in the use of these terms.
The same article also found in most other insurance policies. In polis which billers (claimants) other than the parties to the paid, then all this collection be handed over the evidence to be examined at the request of the insurer, except of course if this third party billers are in litigation.

Health policy provides rights and opportunities to the insurance company to check party billers (claimant) whenever and as often as worth asked. This right is necessary because there is a collector (claimants) who want to pretend to be ill to enjoy paid holidays. Moral hazard in the disability income insurance (disability income) it's very large, and therefore the insurance companies need protection tools to help overcome this danger. The insurance company also reserves the right to ask for an autopsy in case of death, if not prohibited by law. It is seldom implemented.
Billers (claimant) who honestly didn't have to worry about this in the evidence section against your insurance policy. This market is to his interests by helping to control insurance costs and facilitate the resolution of claims quickly and fairly.

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