Definition, Explanation of Insurance, and Insurance Company in the world



The danger of inflicting conditions conducive towards the disaster that caused the loss, and the loss was an aberration that is not in the expected. The possibility of the incident so we call risk. Although there are several overlapping (overlapping) among these categories, but the source of the losses (and risk) can be at risk in the right social classification, physical risk, and the risk of the economy. Determine the source of the risk is important because it affects the way responses.
Social Risk
A major source of risk is the community, meaning that the actions of people creating events that cause adverse deviation from our expectations. Difficult if not impossible to register all the losses that this social nature, but some examples can illustrate the nature and role of the source of this risk.
Theft. In the United States 777,800 a car is stolen every year. Recently a survey of 680 against the city that has a population of 25000 more pointed out that in a single year total of nearly $ 6 billion in stolen treasures. With the development of self service stores, then face the risk of the magnitude of the take down (soft lifting). However, not all thieves are outsiders but also of embezzlement and hacking by insiders who account for $ 4 million a day or $ 1.5 billion a year.
Vandalism (destruction) is a source of risk for owners of the building. The homes that the owners go on vacation and cars on street parking is easy target the destroyer, thousands of homes caught fire due to arson (burn own homes to collect insurance) each year. Insurrection (riot) increasingly rampant lately. The rioters that robs shops and damaging all sorts of treasures. Strikes sometimes leading to damage that sometimes cause damage to property and injury to the body or jugs of death. The strike also led to production losses of up to millions of dollars. A long strike could cause a big loss could even lead to the downfall of the company.
People can lead to accidents that injure themselves and others so as to cause damage to property and a great soul.
Physical Risks
There are many sources of physical risk that in part is a natural phenomenon, while others caused by human error. Many complex risk source but including primarily into the category of physical.
Fires. Fire is the leading cause of injury, death and property damage. Great fire can be caused by natural circumstances such as lightning, or cause of such physical cables are defective, or because of human error.
The weather. The climate is a serious risk. Sometimes it rains so much that the harvest is exposed to floods and overflowing rivers. Floods happen every year. That change is simply its location, even sometimes repeats at the same location. Floods inflict losses of lives and millions of dollars of property damage and s instead of drought also caused large losses due to damage to the harvest and also damaged the ground when at the join of the wind. Blizzard also destroys the harvest and also serious damage to property.
Lightning caused fires that damaged the property, killing or injuring people. Landslides have become a source of damage to public property. Growing number of homes in urban areas the more houses built above the ground unstable. With a single source of the terrible plague which wreaked damage of property and the loss of the soul is an earthquake.
Economic Risk
Many of the risks facing mankind is economic. Examples of economic risk is inflation, fluctuation of the local, and the instability of the company individually.
During the period of inflation, the purchasing power of money plummets and the retirees as well as their fixed incomes no longer possible maintain the level of ordinary life.
Even in the relatively stable economic periods, certain areas may have a bomb or the recession. This situation put people and entrepreneurs in the same risks with the risk of fluctuations in general economic activity.
The State of each company it is not stable. There are successful, some fail. The owners of the company lose some or all of his investment and workers threatened with unemployment when his company went bankrupt.

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