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The Cause Of The Risk

The Cause Of The Risk
A risk is the possibility of unexpected deviations, but these deviations could be real when it is shaped as a loss. If there is no possibility of loss, then there is no possibility of harm, so there is no risk. So, the factors that cause or cause of occurrence of losses is important in risk analysis. Two factors that work gives rise to the loss was a disaster (perils) and hazards (hazards).
The disaster is the cause of the deviation of actual events than expected. The disaster was the direct cause of the loss. His presence raises the risk by causing the possibility of deviations that are not expected. Because we are surrounded by the risk is due to our environment contains a disaster such as a flood, theft, death, disease, and much more. Know disaster is Esensil for insurance and also for the purpose of prevention of losses.
The danger is the background behind the occurrence of losses by certain disasters. Danger affects risk by increasing the probability of a loss. Certain circumstances are referred to as "dangerous" sawing wood for example is a job hazard due to the surrounding conditions conducive to the occurrence of the accident. During the summer, the air humidity and the temperature dropped and the wind speed is increasing in the area of forestry, the "fire hazard" any increase. The situation was so dangerous so that forest fires are uncontrolled can easily occur. The more danger the State, the greater the likelihood of the occurrence of the loss. There are three kinds of hazards are: 1) the physical, moral, and 2) 3) morale.
Physical danger is the physical aspect of the treasure open to risk. The location, construction, and consumption is the physical danger that affect risk. Location of a building affects its sensitivity against losses due to fires, floods, earthquakes, and other disasters. If the building is located near the body of fire and water supply, then the small possibility that building would suffer huge losses because of fires compared to if the building were located in remote areas where there is no water and firefighting services.
Construction was the physical danger that constitute an important factor in risk analysis. Although there is no fireproof buildings, but some types of buildings more resistant to fire than other buildings. However, what is immune to a disaster may be easy to place another disaster. Wooden house for example is more flammable than stone, but building a wooden house is more resistant to earthquakes.
The use or placement also affects the likelihood of a loss of property. The same building, more than likely burn if used for Fireworks factories or laundry than if the building was used to store food. The car used for the company may be more likely to suffer loss than if used for personal.
Moral hazard also affects the likelihood of loss. Dishonesty person can increase the likelihood of losses to 100%. An insured who is not honest might burn his own house or rob the shop itself to be able to collect insurance. So if people buy insurance, losses are bound to happen. Due to insurance undertakings subject to the law of probability, then the moral hazard risk causes that cannot be insured.
Morale hazard is sometimes equated with moral hazard people, on both different. Morale hazard not regarding dishonesty but concerns the attitude was not is not careful and less attention so that it can increase the occurrence of loss. Maintenance of household rubbish strewn where the ugly and less caution in smoking is examples of the danger of a morale boost the possibility of losses due to fires.

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